
Rodiera's Osteopathy Victoria referral

As the owner of Rodiera Osteopathy, I am often asked by my clients if there are additional services that would compliment or be beneficial to their wellbeing while they on their healing journey and receiving osteopathic or theta healing sessions.

Below is a list of practitioners that I refer clients to when they require additional support while receiving Osteopathic treatments and/or Theta healing sessions.

Certified Massage therapist

Massage is an excellent preparation or follow up to your osteopathic treatment as it releases different muscular or fascia tension in the body. A massage before an osteopathic treatment, allows the osteopathic practitioner to get to the root of your imbalance more quickly during the session and will often have more lasting results. A massage after your osteopathic treatment can help releases any tension that may arise in the body following an osteopathic treatment during the 3 or 4 days of adjustment. While a massage can help relieve this tension, it is sometimes better to wait and let your body settle down prior to a massage.

Healing physical pain and emotional blockages with Rodiera Osteopathy Victoria
Rodiera Osteopathy Downtown Victoria helps solving emotional blockages with ThetaHealing

Certified Counsellor

At times, an osteopathic or thetahealing treatment can release some deep emotions related to past traumas. For those clients I like to refer them to someone who specializes in this area; such as a certified counsellor to help them in their healing journey. Sometimes clients who are attending counselling sessions, can experience physical conditions that flare up as a result of the deep emotional work that they are doing and are a result of the mind body connection. In order to obtain maximum healing results and find balance for your whole mind – body system, it is recommended to add some osteopathic treatment as a compliment to the work that you are doing.

Certified Life Coach

During certain times in our life, we may find that we need extra support and guidance during a transition period in our lives. A certified life coach can offer this assistance and is a good complement to your osteopathic treatment once you have achieved balance in your body and mind.

Improve your mind-body connection with Anie Rodier in Victoria
Rodiera Osteopathy Downtown Victoria helps solving emotional blockages with ThetaHealing

Naturopathic Doctor – Chinese Medicine - Acupuncturist

It is possible to combine the osteopathic treatment and / or thetahealing when a client consults a naturopath, Chinese Medicine practitioner or Acupuncturist for various physical ailments as it can release also emotions. Even if these practitioners work in different ways, it complements very well the treatment in order to accelerate the healing process towards the balance of body and mind.

  • When the Art of a gentle healing touch gets to the Core